
清明节的习俗 The customs of Qingming Festival

  • 作者:林翠华
  • 来源: 原创
  • 发表于2024-04-04 19:03:50
  • 被阅读0
  •   The Qingming Festival, the fifth solar term of spring, mirrors the changes in nature's climate. During this season, sunlight becomes radiant, and the earth awakens with the emergence of greenery, portraying a scene of vibrant vitality.清明节是春季的第五个节气,是反映自然界气候变化的节气,这个时节阳光明媚、草木萌动,自然界呈现出一片生机盎然。

      During Qingming, the customs of honoring ancestors and enjoying spring outings blend seamlessly. Wandering through lush fields, individuals immerse themselves in nature's revitalizing display, recalling the wisdom of bygone eras and emotively connecting with their heritage. Spring outings evolve into an integral facet of the Qingming tradition.清明之时,祭祖和踏青相结合,漫步在绿意盎然的田野,人们一边领略万物竞争春的景象,一边追思先贤,寄托情思。踏青于是逐渐成为清明习俗之一。

      Throughout the country, culinary traditions during Qingming vary, featuring dishes like Qingtuan, spring pancakes, multicolored glutinous rice, and eggs. Regardless of location, through the flavors of these foods, people express their deep-rooted attachment to their homeland and ancestors.全国各地在清明时节,还会有吃青团、春饼、五色糯米饭、鸡蛋等等饮食文化上的区别。不管身处何地,人们通过食物的回味,寄托的是我们对故土和故人的一往情深。

      During this special time, as we tender fresh blooms to those who've passed, let us remain rooted in our beginnings, preserving a serene and reflective spirit. Let's cherish the memory of those dear to us, holding deep respect in our hearts for the enduring cultural heritage bestowed upon us through generations.在这个特殊的节日里,一束鲜花寄故人,不忘人生来路,不失清明心境,不要忘记怀念那些对我们很重要的人,让我们怀着一颗敬意的心,铭记源远流长的文化传承。


        标题:清明节的习俗 The customs of Qingming Festival




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